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Deb Clark

Certified Master Light Language Healer/activator/channeler/ Energy Reader/ medium & Mentor

Deb specializes in activating soul language and helping others to access their own unique psychic abilities.

She also connects with Past loved ones, spirit guides, the angelic Realm and is a strong dimensional Galactic Channeler and teaches courses to help you connect with your own psychic gifts.

Other services include

chakra Scans readings and clearings,

Soul Language dialect activations,

Light Language dialect attunements,

Shadow work sessions,

Timeline Trauma energy Healing,

  inner child healing, shadow work, 

psychic abilities readings, and courses.



Deb's soul mission is to help the newly spiritually awakened to connect in with their own unique psychic abilities and to assist them in connecting with their own soul's  remembrance , ascension and consciousness expansion  into 5th density .


    Dragon seer and Light language healer/activator  encoder

    Ceth is a Certified Light Language Activator/Healer and Dragon Seer specializing in assisting others align to their souls mission! Ceth uses his channeling abilities in connection with his Clairvoyance to assist you in connecting to your Higher Self and Team of Guides. One of his many innate abilities is bridging the gap between you and your Spiritual Team. He connects to energies of all kinds, but is deeply connected to the dragons. He uses Lights Language Encoding and Embedding and Energy Healing to assist in clearing and removing old programming, while channeling  high frequency activation and upgrade codes to spark remembrance within .

    Ceth Clark

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    Spiritual Mentoring and awakening
    Light Language Activations, Readings and COURSES

    Whether this is your first visit to my site, or you’re a returning visitor, I’d like to thank you for believing!

    I am Certified Master Light language healer/Activator and specialize in activating the soul language dialect in individuals.    I have been blessed with unique abilities that allow me to help others on their own path to self discovery, happiness and love, and I am willing and ready to help you. Together we will journey into your past, current and future issues to find the answers you are looking for.  Contact me to begin a your journey.


     I speak many light language dialects, which helps me to facilitate the energy codes needed to activate your starseed memories in order for you to fully align with your  mission and soul's contract.
    Your soul contract is what you agreed to help execute while being incarnated on Earth.

    My mission is to assist in helping the light workers/ starseeds awaken into their own unique abilities so they may also do their part in helping humanity to  awaken and shift into the 5th density frequencies and Golden Age paradigm!
    As each of us wakes up to our own unique abilities, Collectively we raise the vibrational frequency to help Mother Earth shift into higher frequencies of density as well as helping all living creatures.   
    Mother Earth is currently in ascension and We are also ascending with her!

    Many of you, the lightworkers /starseeds have contracted to reincarnate on Earth during this time  to help guide and lead the way!  Helping humanity to awaken into OUR true essence, intuitive abilities and the frequency of LOVE and ONENESS.

    LIGHT LANGUAGE,  Is a huge part of communication in the 5th density frequencies and helps us to communicate better with our guides.  It  is extremely important for us to use our light language(s) in order to shift out of the dense energy that has been suppressing our unique abilities and deep ancestral wisdom.
    What is light language?
    "Light language is a UNIVERSAL LOVE VIBRATION that every soul can understand and speak by going inward to allow your heart center to express energetically your deepest emotions and soul's truth, it carries powerful codes needed to restore your memories, clear fear, and helps to starts the healing process for yourself and others".

    Light language is a powerful grounding tool, communicator  to higher realms ,  star family and ancestral wisdom and when used with intention can clear unwanted energy very quickly as well as activating the energetic codes needed for humanity to shift into 5th density consciousness.
    There are many different ways to express light language and they come in many different forms  which includes the light language dialects, hand gestures movements and symbol drawings.

    Within the light language carries powerful codes to help turn on and facilitate the memory process on how to use our abilities and starseed origins.
    Thank you for allowing me to help mentor , support and empower you to be the confident activator I know you to be!  

    If you are interested in the Light language awakening certification course, please click the button to sign up! 

    please note, you must be already be speaking your soul language to participate in the course.  If you have not been activated,  please go to services and  select services option.. "soul language dialect activation" to get activated by me!  The session is approximately one hour long and will be recorded on zoom meeting.

    I look forward to connecting with you!

    Debra Clark,
    Mystic Heartspace, LLC


    $300 off with link below!

    Sale ends March 31

    ONLINE Light language awakening activator certification course


    -Light Language course/certification
    -25 light language attunements
    and Five Bonus  Super Chakra activations:
    -Earth star Activation
    -Soul Star Activation
    -Gateway Stellar Activation
    -Palm Chakra Activation
    -Zeal Point activation

    -Free mentorship

    -access to a private practice  group on facebook for one year 

    -monthly group practice

    -two practice sessions with Deb

    -two practice session with Ceth

    -support chat








    Starseed Intuitive awakening dual mentorship course with Deb & Tina

    Beginner to advanced channeling course

    Learning how to connect with your own unique channeling abilities.  focusing on helping you become a confident channeler.  Understanding the clairs, reading energy basic Understanding of the 7 chakras and enhancing your communication with your guides and mediumship.


    6 months of free mentorship and a private practice group  hosted by Deb & Tina on facebook  



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    Psychic Clair Light Language
    attunement Recordings
    digital download 


    NEW Master activator Bundle!

    savings of over $600

    25 light language dialect attunement DIGITAL DOWNLOAD RECORDINGS!



    15 light language dialect attunement calibration audio/video recordings/digital download Bundle

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    Deb and many other admins host LIVE event attunement, readings and activations

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    If you cannot find the session you are looking for under services, message me and i will help guide you to the exact service needed.  Thank you!

    Thanks for submitting!


    Awaken to your soul's mission

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    Welcome to my website.
    My Disclaimer contains important information I need to share with you and for you to understand.
    The information contained on this website, including ideas, suggestions, techniques, methods, resources, and other materials is educational in nature and is provided only as general information and is not medical or psychological advice. Transmission of the information presented on this website is not intended to create and receipt does not constitute any professional relationship between Deb Clark/or staff and the visitor and should not be relied upon as medical, psychological, or other professional advice of any kind or nature.    
    You understand by viewing this website you will be introduced to information about energy medicine, including intuitive assessments, energy healing, and spiritual wellness (“Energy Medicine”). Energy Medicine is a collective term used to refer to a variety of techniques based on the use, modification, and manipulation of energy fields that look at imbalances within the person’s energy system as well as the energetic influence of thoughts, beliefs, and emotions on the body. The theory of Energy Medicine is that the flow and balance of the body’s electromagnetic and more subtle energies are important for physical, spiritual, and emotional health, and for fostering well-being.
    Although Energy Medicine appears to have promising emotional, spiritual, and physical health benefits, it has yet to be fully researched by the Western academic, medical, and psychological communities; therefore Energy Medicine is considered experimental.  Energy Medicine is self-regulated and the State of California does not license any Energy Medicine practitioners and considers Energy Medicine to be alternative or complementary to the healing arts that are licensed by the State of California. 
    While Deb Clark and co workers have extensive experience as a healing arts practitioners, they are  not a physician, psychologist, or other licensed healing arts practitioner and her services are not licensed by the State of California. Under Sections 2053.5 and 2053.6 of California’s Business and Professions Code, Deb Clark and staff can offer their services, subject to the requirements and restrictions that are described fully therein.
    You understand when using Energy Medicine, the practitioner is not “diagnosing” or “treating” the physical body which is the domain of the medical field and other allied health care professionals but instead is connecting spirit-to-spirit with a client to assist the client in addressing imbalances within the client’s energy system, as well as exploring the energetic influence of thoughts, beliefs, and emotions and how they impact the client. You understand there is a distinction between “healing” using Energy Medicine and the practice of medicine or any other licensed health care practice.
    Any information presented on this website about Energy Medicine is not intended to represent that Energy Medicine is used to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any medical problem or psychological disorder nor is Energy Medicine intended as a substitute for seeking professional health care advice and services. Deb Clark does not provide any medical services and strongly advises that you seek professional advice as appropriate before making any health decision.
    Any information, stories, examples, or testimonials presented on this website do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual using such material contained herein for any particular purpose or issue. While all materials and links and other resources are posted in good faith, the accuracy, validity, effectiveness, completeness, or usefulness of any information herein, as with any publication, cannot be guaranteed. Deb Clark and staff accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information contained on this website, including links to other resources.  
    By viewing this website you agree to fully release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless Deb Clark, her heirs, successors, assigns, employees, agents, representatives, consultants and others associated with Deb Clark from any claim or liability whatsoever and for any damage or injury, personal, emotional, psychological, financial or otherwise, which you may incur arising at any time out of or in relation to your use of the information presented on this website. If any court of law rules that any part of the Disclaimer is invalid, the Disclaimer stands as if those parts were struck out.

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