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11-11 PORTAL-light body Restoration

Select date 11-11

111 US dollars
zoom meeting

Service Description

** SELECT DATE 11-11 to purchase. Upon purchasing, Zoom link will be sent to your email. 11-11 Portal : Light Body Restoration Soul Mission Contract Activation & Karmic Board Clearing Channeled Light Language Clearing, Encoding, and Activation Event with energy work to assist. LIVE Private Zoom Event / Group Zoom / Recorded Zoom with Replay The 11-11 Portal is an Energetic Gateway, at which time the energies of spiritual awakening, expanded consciousness, transformation, and rebirth are supported. During this transformative event, Deb, Ceth, and Tina will channel in light codes and energy supporting a complete system restoration, to include: Karmic board clearing, ancestral Karmic tie clearing, the release of any old programming, stagnant or disruptive energy, a full energetic alignment, merkaba activation, and the insertion of upgraded, high frequency programming supporting expansion of consciousness and alignment of each individual's soul mission. Event will be recorded. By signing up for this event you are agreeing to be recorded. This recording may be used for future sales by Mystic Heartspace, LLC. You may choose to have your picture, voice, and name off screen if you wish. * If you are unable to attend at the time of the LIVE event, you will receive the recorded replay in your email to revisit at any time. This is just as powerful and will yield the same results as attending in real time. * What to expect: - Zoom will open 15 minutes prior to allow participants to get comfortable with a Meet & Greet. (Participation optional). - Description of the day's events will be given along with any channeled messages which may have come through for the collective. - Participants will be guided through a bubbling technique to set the space, with intention set for the greatest and highest good of all. - Facilitators will raise the vibration and guide participants through the Portal. - Deb, Ceth, and Tina will take turns channeling codes and energy to facilitate a deep release of fear, doubt, dense or stagnant programming, karmic ties & contracts. - An energetical alignment of the light body will be included. -Once a deep release and alignment has been completed, Deb, Ceth & Tina ill then channel in high frequency light codes and energy to assist in rejuvenation of the light body, activating soul mission contracts and merkaba activation. -After completion of expansion coding, participants will be gently guided back down into their bodies - discussion

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

To cancel, or reschedule, please contact me 24 hours in advance. All sales final.

Contact Details

Azusa, CA, USA

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